
See . . . I told you!

The canyon is pretty big. You can tell because I have provided some helpful perspective in this image. (Yep, those are people on that rock ourcropping.)
The canyon is SO big, you might be tempted to call it Grand. (You may do so if you wish.)

Sarah battled the immense size of the canyon by using binoculars, which, I am told, made it easier to see fine details far off in the distance. And, as I have tried to indicate prior to now, binoculars are helpful when confronted with a natural phenomenon as phenomenally vast as the canyon.

When confronted with something so enormous, all you can do is stand tall and face it with a resolute mind and face.

"Can you spell vast, Sarah? V-A-S-T. Good. I knew that you could."

Scenes from a rest area

Kids, after all, are kids. That often means their tiny little bladders can't take the hard slog of road miles like the adults can. That often translates into frequent stops. So, take advantage of it.
If you find yourself stuck between places, trying to get from somewhere not so interesting and attempting to get somewhere that is much more interesting, then take cute pictures of cute girls when you get the chance. (Especially if they enjoy posing.)

Yes, there are many wonderous things that you can find at a roadside rest area. Not all of them are cute kids. Some of them are of a decidedly different nature.

Like informative plackards that honor obscure but vitally important highway engineers! Yep, I guess this dude would have figured prominently in my dissertation . . . if I had ever gotten around to writing it, huh?

Departure temperature

Welcome to Arizona eastlanders!

Here, as you can see (in the hellhole that is Phoenix) it is 96 degrees at 8 o'clock in the morning.

Here, we are departing our Phoenix hotel and heading several thousand feet into the air to visit that wonderous natural formation, the Grand Canyon.

You might have heard of it; it's a pretty large hole in the ground. Opinions are mixed about how the hole got there and what exactly caused it to form. But, I'm here to tell you that it exists. I even took pictures of it, which I will show you shortly.


Tombstone, AZ