Here's another "picture taken while out" that I thought I might be able to get some comic mileage out of. (Taken while I prepared to gather Grace from the elementary school after-school drama club practice.)
At face value, there isn't anything wrong with the sentiment behind this image. We DO want our children safe from the noxious fumes of idling cars that callously burn fossil fuels and generate toxins in the air.
ESPECIALLY if said noxious air looks suspiciously like a certain mysterious Smoke Monster from LOST. I don't want my precious girls menaced by a smoky cloud of security nanites or consciousness given form or mystical spirit of an Egyptian past or guardian of time or whatever this week's theory on Smokey happens to be.
And why, do you ask, am I sure that this sign is a surreptitious reference to LOST? Well, all of us that have stuck with the show up to and through season 5 know that Time Travel is what's up. And don't those generic kid forms look a bit too old to be representing elementary school kids? Surely they've been thrown forward in time by Smokey McMysterious there and aren't adequately prepared to live in this technological world without enough proper elementary education!!