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I'm not the only one, right?

How do you plan to atone for not liking Wes Anderson more?
Well, I don't plan on it.
One of my faults is trying to go with the flow too often and acquiescing to the opinions of others, often letting my particular thoughts on something become submerged under the more strident statements of those around me.
I have been told (in a business setting, if not always in every other setting) that I need to speak out more strongly in favor of my own particular ideas, rather than working for consensus. That I should present my own ideas and creativity with more open confidence.
So . . . in the spirit of trying to better myself, I'll say here that I am not at all in love with Wes Anderson and I don't feel any particular need to *try* and be in love with Mr. Anderson either. I am intelligent enough to recognize that he is a skilled filmmaker and he tells stories with a subject matter focus and in a way that makes him unique. And I am in favor of uniqueness, individual honesty, and overall creativity.
His films (with the exception of "Rushmore," which I did enjoy when I watched it the one time) simply don't engage me in any particularly special way.
So, sorry fans of "The Darjeeling Limited." I probably won't be going out of my way to finally see it.
And my apologies to the lovers of "A Life Aquatic." I did watch it; I enjoyed the David Bowie cover songs. But I just don't have any strong fondness for the movie . . . outside of the one line Murray delivers after the pirate attack that I thought was funny but always misquote.
And, yes . . . I have no desire to rewatch "The Royal Tennenbaums." Once was enough.
Again . . . sorry.
So, well, there you have it.
I DON"T have plans for atonement on this issue. Is THAT bold enough for you?
Anyway, that's my answer.
Thanks for asking.