The clue hidden under the rug reads, Answer the following question before you begin the next phase of the search--"What clothing does a house wear?" [address, and YES one of the kids figured it out without help]. Once they get that, they cross the house, following the lines shown on the original map. Led into the office, they have to find the second portion of the map which is hidden in the office.
The note accompanying the second half of the map says Follow the staircase up to the second floor and look for another clue in a place where you might find Moaning Myrtle.
Once again, the kids figured it out without my help and quickly went upstairs to the bathroom. Once there, they found . . .
. . . the final set of questions that they had to answer. [The answers are B and C, if you are interested.] By flipping the card over, they find . . .
. . . the last bit of instructions. In the Guest Room across the hall, Sarah had one last present and all the kids had treat bags filled with Harry Potter candy--Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, Jelly Slugs, and even Chocolate Frog with movable wizard cards.
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