The first day in Philadelphia Jack Thunder, Cordelia, Raisinette, and I attended the rehearsal dinner for Spec and FuzzyBlu. It was held in the very nice suburb (?) of Chestnut Hill. We gathered at a local restaurant alongside many of the couple's family and friends. I knew absolutely none of them, but that didn't stop me from taking pictures, enjoying friends, enjoying food and drink.
Here, for instance, you can see Raisinette and Spec goofing it up as usual. He doesn't seem at all worried or concerned that his wildcatting days of singlehood are mere hours away from disappearing forEVER! But it's easy to get distracted from reality when hanging around with the likes of Raisinette. She's been known to wander moonily about. And why not? The whole weekend was pretty dreamy.

Here are the couple saying a few welcoming words to everyone. I don't remember what, exactly, they said. I'm sure it was something like "Hey, thanks for coming. We think you guys are all the best possible people in the whole world and if Abraham Lincoln, Ghandi, and Jesus all showed up, we'd tell them that they had to go find somewhere else to party, cause we've already got the best group of partiers that ever gathered to party. . . . And speaking of Lincoln, Ghandi, and Jesus, that reminds me of a joke. . . ."

Here is Raisinette posing beside a neon pig sign. "Why?" you ask? Well, it's because she's a good sport and allowed me to take the picture, but there is a slight story behind it. And that story goes like this:
While waiting for Spec and FuzzyBlu to arrive, we're standing around the upstairs portion of the restaurant. Raisinette and I are standing and chatting beside the partition wall that separates us from the flight of stairs going down to the main floor of the restaurant. While we innocently chat, suddenly we are bathed in harsh reddish light from the unnoticed pig sign turning on. We were a bit taken aback by the sign's "neonocity" and its piggish shape. So, we decided to commemorate the occurance with the picture. Great story, huh?

Here we have Cordelia, who tolerated us all weekend long, never complained that I kept inappropriately telling everyone and everything to "Suck it" if they earned my wrath, and always took pictures of me doing stupid things. You'll see a few of those before it's all over. This is the first picture of her on my blog. Yea!