When we arrived in the historic area of Philadelphia, Jack T. found a great parking space a block from what is probably the most famous building in the city--and likely the second or third most historically famous building in the whole country--Independence Hall.
In order to get inside, you needed to get a ticket and we didn't really want to spend our only time on that day standing in lines.

So we convened on the other side of the building to discuss our options. (Here you can see a picture of Raisinette, Jack, and Cordelia considering options.)

Here is the reason why we decided not to try and see the Liberty Bell--surely the most famous broken bell in this country. The line for tickets into the swank new building that houses The Bell was pretty long. And remember that we had pledged not to spend our time standing in lines.

As a result, this is as close as I got to the Liberty Bell during the trip. I was told that the bell is inside this posh new structure, and that it is close to the big window. You can, I think, see some people standing around where the bell is set up. (In fact,
this website confirms that the bell is, in fact, in that place.)
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